For the most part, the reaction to the last few Need for Speed games was the same: “Why aren’t they more like Need for Speed Most Wanted?” “Where are the cheesy cutscenes and the over-the-top cop chases?” It seems as if EA heard those cries, because for better or for worse, Need for Speed Undercover feels like Most Wanted.
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Smugglers V Invasion + Warrior Within DLC - GOG.torrent
Minimum system requirements - Windows: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8, 1.8 GHz Processor, 512MB RAM, 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9.0c , DirectX 9.0c-compatible soundcard, 100 MB HDD, Mouse, Keyboard. about: Smugglers 5: Invasion starts where the original game ended. After years of civil war, the Federation finally emerged victorious, crushing all rebellion. The galaxy looked forward to a period of peace, a chance to repair the damage of a long and bitter war. Then came the Jalkath, a new alien race looking much like the tigers of Old Earth. Their attacks were swift and brutal and they subjugated entire systems before the Federation even knew what was happening.
The 3rd-Person hacknslash Dawn of Magic will let the gamers decide whether they want to fight for good or for evil. Players will choose their attacks from a huge roster of magic skills and 12 different schools of magic. Dawn of Magic provides weeks of finest hacknslash gaming fun, following the footsteps of the great examples it was modelled on: Sacred and Diablo 2.
Victor Vran is an isometric Action-RPG with a massive selection of weapons, items, outfits, demon powers and destiny cards. Experience intense combat action with dozens of enemies attacking you from all sides and unleash powerful skills to finish them off Victor Vran lets you decide how to play the game. Forge your own personal version of Victor thanks to a vast array of powerful weapons, game-changing outfits, wicked demon powers and destiny cards. Use special moves, combine skills and weapons to wipe out hordes of hideous beasts and clever boss monsters.
F1 2012
Codemasters’ third Formula One game sees the series finally find its feet. A broader range of game modes gives you much more to do, while great care has been taken to ease newcomers into the game. Though F1 2012 doesn’t capture the magic that surrounds the sport, the on-circuit action is the best and most exciting of the series. You’ll be holding your breath as you sweep around the majestic corners of world-renowned circuits, cursing as opponents swerve past you, and punching the air as you reach the chequered flag for months to come.
Max Payne 3 – PC

Max Payne’s home has always been on the PC. The original 2001 game and its sequel debuted on the PC, and though they received console versions–some of which captured the excellence of their PC counterparts and some of which didn’t–it was on PC that he first made his mark. Times have changed for Max, and his latest outing hit consoles first and PC second, which may raise concerns about whether, this time around, it’s the PC version that feels secondary and the console versions that feel definitive. As it turns out, such concerns are unfounded. Max Payne 3 is just as gorgeous and intense on PC as it is on consoles, and the pinpoint precision offered by a mouse makes the PC version the best way to enjoy this brutal and haunting shooter.
Need for Speed Shift 2 Unleashed – PC

Shift 2: Unleashed is a highly challenging and exciting racing game which improves greatly on its predecessor. New features, such as the first-person helmet cam and the reworked graphics engine, make the driving seat a more thrilling place to be than it was in the first game. However, the car handling continues to tread the line between arcade and simulation, without mastering either. While Shift 2 turns the corner from full simulation, a compelling single-player Career mode, great online features and new Autolog integration make it an exciting and well-rounded package overall.
Need For Speed The Run

There’s a whole lot of America between San Francisco and New York City. Need for Speed: The Run’s greatest achievement is the way it sometimes captures the thrill of hitting the open road and experiencing the varied beauty of the American landscape, from the mountains and the prairies to the small towns and skyscrapers. Unfortunately, issues arise that sap some of the momentum from your cross-country trek, but The Run spends enough time doing what it does best to remain an enjoyable journey.
Race Driver GRID
A few months after the release of the console version, Grid comes to the DS with the same mix of simulation and arcade driving that made the original so fun. Fans of the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions will notice that some features, such as rewinding time, have been cut, but replacement features, such as the track creator, make up for it. That’s because Grid does everything a handheld port of a console game should do. Instead of trying to force the DS to do things it isn’t capable of, developer Codemasters uses the system’s strengths to deliver a game that resembles the console iteration, but feels like a fresh experience of its own.
Saints Row 2 – PC

When the original Saints Row came out two years ago, it served to placate fans until Grand Theft Auto made its next-generation debut. Saints Row’s deviant destruction didn’t push the boundaries of what to expect from a free-roaming urban assault game, but it did provide an enjoyable outlet for consequence-free chaos while never taking itself too seriously. Since then, Grand Theft Auto IV has injected a dose of maturity into its typical sandbox fare, removing many of its outlandish behaviors to create a more grounded portrayal of the gangster lifestyle. Saints Row 2 is not concerned with growing up. It is a morality-free alternative to GTAIV, an unremorseful descent into mindless mayhem. The lack of any major advancement in gameplay or storytelling may elicit a few flashes of deja vu, and the technical problems will haunt your every turn, but the unrepentant joy of terrorizing this humble metropolis makes Saints Row 2 a viable palate-cleanser for anyone willing to embrace the role of immoral dirtbag.